Large Dinner Plate GREYHOUND BUS Post House RESTAURANT
GREYHOUND POST HOUSE restaurant Eat, and even find lodging / hotel or motels , to spend a restful night after a long day of sittinbg on a bus. Greyhound Bus Lines is similar to what Fred Harvey did for the train traveling folks in the 1940's . This plate is the full dinner size plate, not a 6 inch salad plage version. Measures 9 inches in diameter.
This is not the 6 inch salad plate size . Colors are vivid and I could not find any cracks or chips. Check out the plate image of a 2 horse team pulling a stagecoach - early method of carrying passengers on a refgular route between destinations like Omaha Nebraska and Salt Lake City Utah
Lakeside Relics California Antiques and unique collectibles - MEMBER - LAKE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY